This is how your company can foster diversity and inclusion - advice from 6 top experts

Diversity and inclusion are definitely not new subjects, not on a societal level nor on an organizational one. A lot has already been said about why diversity is so important...

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August 28, 2020
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Though enough organizations do understand the importance of diversity, so many of them fail at building a company that reflects all colors, cultures, religions, personalities, ages, sexualities and different cognitive profiles of society. As long as that does not happen enough, we will need to keep this conversation going. That’s why we asked several specialists from our network if they could provide us with actionable tips and tricks on how to build a more varied, powerful, agile and innovative company structure and culture.

If you’re just in it for reasons of branding and image, you can just stop reading here. That type of empty and reductive approach can only backfire. Diversity and inclusion have to be lived company-wide: you need every last team member on board and it is the responsibly of all your departments, not just that of HR. I’s not merely about hiring more diverse profiles, either. It’s just as much about keeping the dialogue alive in order to include everyone in a manner that this top talent will want to stay at your company.

Download the e-book to find out what Janet Stovall (Cultural Change Agent and TED Speaker), Michael Urbina (Box), Nabil Bazsaz (Telenet), Hanan Challouki (Allyens), Hassan Al Hilou (strategic advisor) and Taha Riani (Allyens) have to say on the matter:

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August 28, 2020
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