The Innovation Bulb

In one of the chapters of my new book "Augmented Health(care)™ : The end of the beginning", I elaborate on the need for process and flow for real innovation to...

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February 13, 2018
New York

One of the things that strikes me over and over again, is that after a successful innovation, the final step to 'kill' the old way of doing things is often omitted: the old technology, for instance, is kept alive. While giving the laggards a choice and a tool to avoid working through the new normal, we also 'punish' the ones fiercely working and using what has been achieved. 

My plea to innovation teams is therefore to create a 'demolition team" that clears away our old 'habits' and perhaps puts them in a special room - or museum - to conserve them for later. You know, with things like a fax, paper records, and email (just kidding, or am I?).

Guest contributor Lucien Engelen​
Guest contributor Lucien Engelen​
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February 13, 2018
New York