Future of Work: Learning To Manage Uncertainty

Change is coming at us with the greatest velocity in human history. In the single second it took you to read that sentence, an algorithm executed 1,000 stock trades. Computers...

That means more than 80% of today’s economy has the opportunity to build a new model before the digital economy disrupts them. The first fraction of the economy was digitized in a couple of decades; the exponential change curve we now ride suggests that remaining 80%+ will transform even more quickly.  

Without question it is this velocity of change will be difficult for many. Yet it is also a tremendous opportunity for those who are ready to lead the shift into learning to manage uncertainty. This new mindset enables you not only to survive the onslaught of change, but to thrive in it.

Listen to Heather McGowan expand on the subject in this radio interview.

This article was previously published in OEB Insights as part of the OEB conference, the largest e-learning conference for the corporate, education and public service sectors. The conference and exhibition takes place each year in December in Berlin, Germany under the theme "Learning Uncertainty". More at https://oeb.global.

McGowan and Shipley speak internationally on the future of work and future of learning and they are collaborating on a book on the Future of Work due out in 2018. More information can be found at www.futureislearning.com

Guest contributors Heather McGowan & Chris Shipley
Guest contributors Heather McGowan & Chris Shipley
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