Steven Van Belleghem

Steven is an expert in customer focus in a digital world and in how our customers will behave in the Day After Tomorrow. He is a popular speaker at home and abroad. In his keynote presentations, Steven takes his audience on a journey to the world of modern customer relationships in a clever, enthusiastic and inspiring way. So far, he gave more than 750 keynote presentations, reaching more than 200.000 people in over 40 countries around the world and received several best speaker awards.

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Steven Van Belleghem

Steven Van Belleghem
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Steven Van Belleghem is a customer experience enthusiast and expert who believes in combining common sense, new technologies, an empathic human touch, playing the long game and taking social responsibility to win the hearts and business of customers over and over again.

He is the author of several books on customer experience, including "The Conversation Company", "The Offer You Can't Refuse", "The Internet of Customer Value" and "The Diamond in the Rough". He is also a frequent speaker at industry events and has been featured in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and Forbes.

In his work, Steven focuses on helping companies to create customer experiences that are both human and digital. He believes that the future of customer experience is about combining the best of both worlds. Steven is a passionate advocate for customer experience. He believes that customer experience is the key to business success in the digital age. He is committed to helping companies to create customer experiences that are memorable, engaging and profitable and is considered one of the top CX-experts in the world.

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Steven Van Belleghem

loves to inspire you on...

Creating a Strong Customer Culture: The diamond in the rough

There is a big paradox in the world of customer experience right now: every company has wonderful intentions to make their customers happy but in reality the quality of execution is often average to low. In many cases, the best intentions don’t progress beyond the PowerPoint presentation. Over the past twelve years, Steven has spoken extensively with thousands of CX professionals and his conclusion is that most companies are a ‘diamond in the rough’ in terms of customer experience: they want it so badly but they don’t succeed. In this brand-new keynote Steven explains how to transform that diamond in the rough into a shiny diamond. This is a story about infusing your organization with real Customer Culture. This narrative will help you understand why teams don’t act upon your request to become more customer centric; it will make you see how small changes make a huge difference and it will give you the right tools to install a customer culture throughout your organization.

Customers The Day After Tomorrow

Winning customers in a world of AI, bots and automation.

We are entering the third phase of digitization where artificial intelligence will raise the bar in terms of customer experience. Customer experience is evolving from a mobile-first to an AI-first business. For customers this is the start of the most exciting phase ever. They will enjoy benefits like hyper-personalization, faster than real-time customer service and the most user-friendly interfaces ever seen. In his NEW keynote, Steven describes how to invest in the customer experience of the day after tomorrow.

The offer you can’t refuse

The future of customer experience is about digital, empathy and taking responsibility.

This last decade has been characterized by the introduction of 4G, social media and mobile services. These technologies have given rise to a new minimum in terms of customer experience. Customers expect ease of use, friendly and empathic staff, omnichannel services and competitive prices. In the years to come, customer experience will reach a whole new level.

Naturally, technology (5G, quantum computing, robotics and AI) will play a key role in customer expectations, but it goes way beyond that. Invisible and automatic interfaces will become a necessity but the ultimate ease of use will no longer be enough to come out on top. Automation is but the first step. In addition, companies will have to play an active role in their customers’ life journey. As a company how can you help consumers’ dreams come true and eliminate the obstacles in their day-to-day lives? And finally, companies have the opportunity to tackle concrete world problems together with the customer.

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