Richard De Hoop
In his keynote speeches, Richard de Hoop hits the high notes by urging his audience to tune into each individual's strengths and place them where they can best showcase their talents—just like every instrument in an orchestra has its own unique role. He dubs this the "Revolution of Strengths." When someone is in the right position, their enthusiasm and passion can shine, pushing the whole team towards outstanding performance. Richard's advice for motivating leaders? "Seek out the sparkle in your employees' eyes."
Richard De Hoop
Past speaking engagemens
Richard de Hoop strikes a chord with businesses by using music as both metaphor and muse. He likens the diverse characters in a team to a symphony of instruments: the drum beats with the fervor of a go-getter, while the horn hums with the quiet diligence of a team player. Both are crucial to a harmonious team. De Hoop's repertoire features eight different instruments to represent various personalities. His key message? Only when the joyful orchestra of employees plays under the baton of a motivating conductor (their boss) can the team hit all the right notes and deliver stellar performances.
Richard De Hoop
loves to inspire you on...
Shi(f)t happens whether we plan things or not. Especially unplanned changes affect employees and business relations. The good news is, we can (learn to) adapt. Whereas classical music used to be the highest musical art form, now rap and combos of different artists are bon ton. Whereas an organisation used to be able to make plans with a 10-year time horizon, nowadays looking 6 months ahead is quite an art. Whereas in classical music everything was planned, arranged and directed, nowadays we have to react quickly to changes in our environment. That is where jamming comes in. In jamming, everyone uses his or her talents. We start from a basic tone and then we experiment with that.
As a little boy, Richard was already touched by the power of music and words. That is why, in this sparkling musical presentation or workshop, he compares a department, team or organisation with an orchestra. The characters of the employees can be compared to musical instruments that each have their own character, sound and timbre. Do you play the quiet bass or the trumpet that takes initiative? Richard uses the Belbin Team Roles model as a basis (which he has also applied successfully in his own businesses), which is supplemented with current models such as those of Patrick Lancioni, Barbara Fredrickson, Ofman, etc. In addition, he can draw on countless practical cases that he has experienced as an entrepreneur, certified in his own right, and also as a leader in the field of human behaviour. SCIL and Belbin trainer and the content from the 2 books he has written on this theme.
Music of the Future
- Who will make the decisions for you? Google or you?
- Who will do the work: a tireless AI robot or you?
- Who will make the economy circular: the companies, the government or you?
- I am really curious about your answers! And above all, what are you going to do to remain of value and play along with this future music
Lately, things have been moving at a slightly faster pace than when we were chasing mammoths in groups of 10, with a heart rate of 400 and a dose of adrenaline that would scare you.
The other day in the news, they showed a robot that not only opened the door but could also do a backflip. Can you do that at all? Strange. Funny. And although somersaulting is not the most exciting development, it is also a bit scary. Where is this heading and what will our world look like in the future? What will our future music sound like?