Ann De Bisschop
As author of the books ‘Counting down to Monday’ and ‘Wellbeing = Profit, she wants to inspire company leaders, HR managers, team leaders and employees to work smarter which will make them happier and more productive.
Ann De Bisschop
Past speaking engagemens
We are entering a new HR-era where Human Capital & Wellbeing have never been higher on the agenda. Entrepreneurs know that people are the most important asset for the success of their business and that a proactive and conscientious wellbeing policy based on mental balance, physical health, social contact and empathic leadership goes a long way.
Ann De Bisschop
loves to inspire you on...
Wellbeing is not a cost, but an investment in the future of your company
We all know it by now: Wellbeing is more than free fruit basket and a weekly yoga session. Since the beginning of Covid structural changes have been made at many companies. They realize more than ever before that their employees are their most important asset That is why Wellbeing in 2022 is high on the agenda. But how can you ensure that Wellbeing is more than window dressing or a marketing trick to attract talent?
How to keep Connection & feeling of Belonging in a world of Hybrid working
It should not be a surprise that the past 2 years have been called "the biggest change of the century" by HR people all around the world. From one day to the other, we started working from home on a mandatory basis, whether we or the organizations were ready for it or not.
And what was initially a an imposed / short-term decision became a new way of working, even a new way of living. But things do not run smoothly in every organization. The need for recovery grows, resilience is dented and the cohesion in and between the teams lags behind.
The 4 c’s in (Remote) Leadership : Communicate/Collaborate/Connect/Care
Ann has led teams for about 25 years. She has always been appreciated for being a very empathetic leader, a “people manager” in the purest sense of the word. And in doing so, she has always paid great attention to her so-called 4 C’s.
Communication: because it is the "glue" between a manager and his/her team
Collaboration: not operational working but guiding employees in achieving their goals should be the main task of every leader
Connection: only an emotional bond between employees & their manager will ensure their willing to go that extra mile to achieve that common goal
Care: show that you want to take care of your employees so they remain mentally and physically in balance. Lead by example & walk the talk.