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“The nexxworks inspiration series helps us to imagine the future together with all the teams worldwide, and make the bridge to our day-to-day challenges as well.”
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Veerle Lauwers - Director Digital Strategy & Transformation at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners
It's tough to keep up with the latest opportunities in corporate innovation.

You're busy enough as it is, and you don't have time to read long articles or attend innovation conferences.

You're not alone. Most corporate innovation professionals feel the same way. They want to learn from others, but there just aren't enough hours in the day to read everything. And how do you even know what's still relevant? Time to fix this.

nexxworks Memberships is an online video content platform like Netflix for corporate innovation professionals. Learn from the successes and failures of others, with snackable videos and online events.

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This is what your peers
had to say about us

The nexxworks inspiration series helps us to imagine the future together with all the teams worldwide, and make the bridge to our day-to-day challenges as well.

Veerle Lauwers
Director Digital Strategy & Transformation at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners
Veerle Lauwers

I view the nexxworks membership as a combination of inspiration, practical insights, and networking with peers.

Ivy Vanderheyden
VP Marketing L&R at Wolters Kluwer
Ivy Vanderheyden

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